Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 months :)

--This one is for Kamala :) --

Carson is now 7 months old. I can't believe how FAST time is flying by :( At the rate I'm going my next post will be his 1st birthday! lol.


~LOVES to EAT. He will eat anything you put close to his mouth.

~zooms all over in his walker. He has fun chases the dogs around Jeff's parent's house!

~has the best LaUgH! It's the best when Dad tickles him, he gets to the point of laughing so hard his face turns red and he can't breathe.

~rolls all over now.

~will be crawling by this weekend (at least that's my guess). And He will be fast. He already is on all fours and can shuffle forward a few inches before falling. He is struggling to move his arms and the same time as his legs.... but don't worry, he is CLOSE to figuring it all out.

~walks if you hold his hands. Sometimes he his pretty speedy.

~makes LOTS of noise.

~does a lot of spitting with his lips/tongue

~really liked his first taste of chocolate. Dad thought he earned a special treat a few Sundays back. He gave him a giant hershey bar to try and he LOVED it. He was a little unsure at first but soon had a death grip and wouldn't let go. He sat in his highchair for 45minutes just laughing, talking and spitting... it was quite comical. Sugar high maybe? ;) (don't worry, he didn't eat very much of it) *pictures soon*
~really happy when he wakes up :)
~is starting to get excited to see me when I get home from work :) *smile*

We love this little guy so much! He has brought a lot of joy and happiness... along with many sleepless nights of course... but they are worth it!

I promise pictures are coming! Our office is under reconstruction at the moment so our house is a little chaotic. I will update on our lives soon too. *PROMISE*