Friday, July 10, 2009

My Best Friend :)

I LOVE my sweet husband! He is without a doubt my best friend. I don't know where I would be without him. I love the way he makes me laugh. He is so funny. I love how random he is at times :) I absolutely can't wait to come home to this everyday .....

This is my nephew William :) If you can't tell by his face, he LOVES Jeff. William starts laughing (really laughing) everytime he looks at Jeff. I can't wait to have children. Jeff will make such a great Dad! I can't wait to see what our children look like. I absolutely love to watch Jeff play with his nephews and imagine the day he will be playing with our own children. :)
I could go on and on about him<3

1 comment:

Chris and Michelle said...

How sweet, Tiff! What a lucky guy Jeff is to have such an adoring wife!
You'll make great parents someday! :)