Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wedding Pictures!

Ok, So i guess it is time to post some wedding pictures! I must say I LOVE our pictures. We made everyone walk around with us for hours because I want a variety but in the end it was worth it! I loved every minuted of our wedding day. The most amazing feeling stayed with me the day we were sealed. It was like being in a fairytale! We had so much fun, and we were SO tired that night. My only wish was that it was longer and that the feeling I felt stayed with me longer! Don't get me wrong, I am loving every minute of being married, but there is something spectacular about that day. It was a perfect day. Here are some pictures... Enjoy :-)

Hahaha, Ok, I lied. I dont have any wedding pictures on this computer except the announcement. I thought I did. However, I do not! I will get back to those another time I guess. SORRY!

Just to finish this post up, we are absolutely LOVING married life. I feel so blessed to have Jeff in my life. He is so wonderful and we really have a lot of fun together. It's just the two of us, and some fish, and that is perfect for now :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh things are great here for us! just chasing britlyn around. she is so crazy! always doing something! she's finally into elmo so she will sit and watch that for a few minutes of the day while i get something done. or just get dressed :) but i wish you guys were in our ward too! I just got made the ward activities chairman...so if you were here...i'd make you help me haha but no we really like the ward. its a good one! but now that you guys are married you can hang out with all us old married people. some of us from the ward get together every once in a while! i'll have to let ya know when we do again! but ya itd be fun to hang out!